Fear and Loathing


We cannot stop castigating one another anymore.

There is no need to keep asking ourselves how this happened.  It has happened.  

Even the most decorous amid us are losing our shit.  There, I've said it.  When conservative Republicans trademark "FAFO,"  things have reached a level

Donald Trump has made it okay for Americans to abandon civility and whatever thin veneer of egality we maintained toward another, and retreat to our basest instincts.  We grimly survey the wrecked landscape of democracy with curled lip and slitted eyes, wondering when the next salvo of insufferable iniquity will strafe us from Washington.  We don't know what else is left to do; we begin to believe no one will save us. So we are backed into our respective corners, and at the slightest provocation, we come out scratching.

This is the one who does it for me.  She really needs to stay out of punching range, should we ever meet.  I want a jury trial for an assault that I did not commit.  Candace Owens-SomeGoofyWhiteBoy, should be so fortunate.  

I got some suppressed hostility for yo ass, Miss Thang.

This silly chit will throw her people under the bus without any provocation, if it gets her smirky face and crispy ends (White people: when black women over- process their hair....) onto a screen somewhere.  She is unlearned.  She is pitiably misguided and uninformed.  I have no empathy for her, her life, or whatever caused her to be such a skinfolk sellout. I want to make her cry on live television.  I could do it, too.  

This blog post is about the fact that I don't really want any help with this problem, either.  My ire is robust and satisfying, and I would really rather hang onto it.

The alternative is to attempt to have some understanding and compassion for this creature.  I don't want to see things from her perspective--not at all. What do you do when you enjoy the hostility you feel toward someone you don't know?  If you're me, you write a blog post and admit it, in hopes of helping yourself and someone else.

I simply cannot believe Trump has gotten this far with his shenanigans.  He has broken America, the way he breaks every other toy he has ever been given.  You know, and I know, we all know--this was just one more toy for him to play with until he tired of it--our country, I'm talking about.  He has stolen from us, lied to us, and now, sickened and killed us in droves.  No one seems to be doing anything.  

I wonder if Nancy Pelosi is more interested in positioning herself in a Biden Administration than she is interested in holding the current administration to account?  

She forgot herself in front of John Lewis' coffin.  Her barenaked ambition seems more incredibly untenable and out-of-place than anything they're accusing Kamala Harris of doing or being or saying.  Pelosi's self-serving muzzle of Katie Porter and AOC (they acceded, and I wish they hadn't) backs my theory.  

Pelosi's playing the long game with our lives, and I don't like it, not one bit.

Now for the loathing.

I should not have done this.  I could delete it any time.  But I have not.  I was molested as a child, so I think I know what is wrong with this woman. There's just something so smug about her unapologetic and unrelenting entitlement.  I'm not the only one who might really like to witness her humiliation. That gives me a pang, but it is fleeting.

I have even less compassion for her than for Crispy Candace, if that is possible. Irrelevant Ivanka can pay for good counseling.  She can pay for wise counsel.  She does neither.  She'd rather pose in a white outfit with a can of black beans you know she'll never taste.  Tasteless.
She and hubs Mephistopheles are a pair of Gatsbyesque Grifters.  They've no idea how it all turned out for Gatsby, either.  That's both infuriating and slyly satisfying.

Oh, America.
